Join the Oratory and friends for our first Tricky Tray fundraiser, "A Few of My Favorite Things," from the team that produced award-winning tricky tray events at St. Peter's in New Brunswick from 2012-2017. This event, which will especially benefit the formation of future priests for the Oratory, will take place on Sunday, November 3 at Pierre's of South Brunswick. Click the link for more information! (Admission tickets are no longer on sale for this event.)
Come on out and meet the Oratory! Wednesday, October 2 at 7:30 pm at St. Ann's in Raritan. Get to know the members, learn about our founder, our community life, and our ministries in Raritan and Bridgewater.
Join the Oratorian community for a Eucharistic Holy Hour at 3:30 pm on the 3rd Sunday of each month, in St. Ann Church, Raritan. This time of prayer includes Adoration, readings, music, silent prayer, and concludes with Benediction.